Thursday, October 16, 2008


Why? Why do I get a vision in my head and then truly believe that this perfect vision can be achieved? It's the Martha Stewart complex. I think that it really is a medically diagnosed complex. Now, I know that Martha has a boat load of lackies that do her bidding, but I honestly think that I should be able to do the same with, ummm, just me!

We took Christmas card pictures this weekend. They did not turn out as planned. Imagine that. 3 kids....2 of them beyond tired....1 of them old enough to know better.....1 snotty great pictures. My vision was for the 3 beautiful childern to be walking hand in hand with glorious sun shining and wonderful trees in the back ground. This is what I got.....

No trees. No Nate.A very classy picture of snot.

I'll bet you can't wait to see what picture made it into our Christmas card. Coming in December to a mailbox near you!!!

1 comment:

Vontz's said...

At least it's all truth...beautiful kids and ONE snotty nose!!! You crack me up, can't wait for more of YOU on friday.