Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Prayer

Dear God-

I am not a morning person, but You know that because You knew me before I was born. So, Father, knowing me as You do, why why WHY did You bless me with children that don't like to sleep? Why does Zachary love to get up before the sun? Why does he have such a generous soul and want to share his awake time with his beloved (sleeping) brother and his exhausted mother? Do they really need to eat breakfast at 5:30 in the morning? Come on Lord....they can't enjoy my disposition that early in the morning.... I certainly don't enjoy my disposition that early in the morning. Seriously, You gave twins, can't You at least let them sleep until 7? I am quite sure that this is Your way of telling me to go to bed earlier, but Father, when they are asleep they are quiet! Really quiet. It makes me feel sane for like 3 minutes. I like to read books that don't have pictures of tractors or loaders or monsters in them. I enjoy talking to my husband about subjects that don't involve the words "big boy potty" and "hot dogs wif ranch". Lord, I know that sometimes the answer to my prayer is "NO" and I accept that, but I will still be cranky. Amen.