Oh my....I love these boys. I simply can not imagine my life without these hooligans. When I was carrying them in my womb, I questioned God almost daily if He really knew what He was doing. He has a lot more faith in my abilities as a mother than I do. Being their mom is the hardest job I've ever had. Ellie was and is so much easier to understand...she's a girl and I'm a girl and that's pretty much it. The boys are boys and I'm a girl and I pretty much don't know anything about them. Boys are different than girls...a duh!...but seriously...SO DIFFERENT!! They make every day an adventure and some days I wish that I could just be an observer and not a partaker in their adventure....
There are two of them. TWO...always...forever!! Hooray!! The above pictures (taken my our sweet Emy,dear) capture each boy in his strongest personality. People always ask about how different their personalities are. They are really quite similar, it all just depends on the day, hour, minute to be exact. Nate has always been the more laid back guy and Zak has always been a bit more, let's just say, demanding. Funny how they got the personality of the parent that they most resemble!
These past months have been hard on these angels. I am so thankful that they are only 3. But even at "only 3", they have seen and heard much more than their little minds can comprehend. They are so protective of me and of Ella. They don't like to be away from either of us. While that makes me feel so very loved and special, it makes going to work (or any where else alone, for that matter) very difficult. They know exactly how to play me and I hoping that the many, many Dr. Dobson books that my mom is touting, help me to become the "Boss of Them". I definitely was NOT the disciplinarian of the family. That's coming back to bite my in the tush-tush. Yay me...
I pray for them a lot. I pray that I don't screw them up. I pray that they grow up to be men of faith. I pray that go to bed without a hassle every night. I pray that they stop peeing their pants...in the bathroom...in front of the toilet.
These kooky kids say the funniest stuff. Today Zak and Nate "helped" me clean the basement. Afterward, Nater and I were sitting on the couch and Zak was standing by the coffee table with something that he was going to roll. He said, "Hey, Nate. Come here. I need another "man" for my game." Ha!! My men. Nathan just says really profound stuff like..."Mom, I jus pee in my pants in the bathroom in front of the toilet." and the likes of that. Mostly, they just say cute stuff like, "You da best momma" and "I lubs yas so much" and "You are so smart and skinny and funny and smokin hot mom." Seriously. They say all that stuff.
I am doing the best that I can. The other day I told Zak that I loved him and he, in turn, said that he, too, loved me. I then asked him if he knew what "Love" was. His answer...."God." Wow. I think I am doing a good job.
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