DaDEE, DaDEE, DaDEE.....That is all I hear from the moment Kevin walks in the door for lunch until long after he has gone back to work. Zak is just giddy over the fact that Daddy is home. Nathan is excited as well, but Zak is beyond happy that his favorite person is around. They follow Kevin everywhere he goes from the minute he walks in. They have to sit near or on Kevin as he eats his lunch. They watch him wash his hands. They watch the news with him. They go with him while he puts on his boots and they watch him walk out the door. That is when the fun really begins.....for at least a half hour after Kevin walks out the door, the boys scream and wail and act distraught. They honestly forget about the one who birthed them, gets up in the night with them, nurses their boo-boo's, feeds them, diapers them, clothes them........it's like I don't exist when Kevin is around. Some days I am perfectly fine with that. I need a break from all the feeding and the diapering and the mom-ing and such. I am so happy that they love him so very much. Ellie wasn't so into her father for a long time, so it is nice that they actually want him to participate in their lives. I never get jealous....I just think that there will probably be a day that they won't love us and that they will be embarassed to be seen with us and that we will have "totally ruined their lives!" Although Ellie recently told me that she never wanted to leave me. That she would probably go to college in Hastings, because she has to live near me and that she will never, EVER hate me. Ahhh the dreams of a 1st grader. It is such a gift to be loved unconditionally and I try to remind myself to cherish these moments, because they will not last forever.

This is what happens when Kevin leaves...Fun Times.

Seriously, where did my dad go?
Before I sign off, a cute little Ella story. Last night we sat down to eat supper and asked Ella to say the prayer for us. Okay mom.... "Now I lay me down to sleep. Heavenly angels watch over me. Amen." It's just how my girl rolls. She has even been known to say the Table Prayer before bed. That's why we love her so much.
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