Thursday, October 16, 2008

To Bubba's house we bowl?

The kids and I decided to make a last minute trip to my sisters house in Des Moines this past weekend. I am so thankful that my mom was able to make the trip with us. I thought that I would do fine with them all by myself, but 4 1/2 hrs in the car is just a bit much for the boys....and Ellie.....and me. Once we were to our final destination, a fabulous time was had by all! We spent a lot of time outside, just relaxing and enjoying the weather and the company.

We found out that my children are very musical. Especially Nate. The boys played the piano (nicely!) and Nate loved it when Uncle Jeff played his guitar. He was a great help to Jeff as they strummed the chords together. Nate, Zak and Ella totally rocked out with the Guitar Hero guitars. They were a hoot! We sang karaoke on Friday night and Nate stole the spotlight with his wonderful singing. He was very mad when we had to take the microphone away so that he could go to bed.

On Saturday we decided to go bowling. I am pretty sure that we are crazy... It was a lot of fun and the boys lasted about 8 frames. Zak got second place with an 87! I can already see the Pro Bowler's Tour in our future. Here are a few (and I mean a zillion) pics from our outing....

Nate and Zak.....I didn't know that the Amish bowled.

Those shoes totally go with that outfit. It's all about the accessories....Ready. Set. Bowl!Ellie bowling left handed. My girl is talented.Nate needed some moral support.Zak cooling off like a pro.Nate was worn out after a hard fought bowling battle. He came in 4th.My niece Sophie has the best form of them all.

We came home on Sunday. I was sooooo glad to be home. The last leg of the trip (Omaha to Grandma's house to our house) was a long one with lots of DADEEEEE, DADEEEEE, DADEEEE screamed in my ear. The John Deere movies helped for about 73 seconds.....

All in all, it was a great trip and we had fun. That's what counts, isn't it?

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