A fun time was had by all. Amazingly enough, it was cleaned up in no time at all. It's whatcha call or.gan.i.za.tion, my friends. All of the leftover candy went into one tiny ziplock bag, the freezer paper that I had taped to the table beforehand was pulled up and thrown away, and the floor was vacuumed. Presto, snap, boom.....the room is clean and Kevin stopped twitching.

Now, this is my kind of party!

Could there be any more candy in this picture?
Natalie and Ellie collaberating on Ellie's house. (There is only 2 weeks difference in age with these two ragamuffins.) We are blessed to have them as our backyard, thru the trees neighbors here on the compound. I guess that we are also blessed cuz they're related to us and have to live on the compound too.
My friend Ann, whom we refer to as Dr. Ann D.D.S. She twitched a little bit at the sight of all of the candy and such, but she got over it when she realized that she was all of our dentist. Then she saw her kids college being paid for and the twitching subsided.
The finished products!
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