We did it. We finally broke down and took one of our children skiing. We are officially crazy and broke. And much to our joy and our pocketbooks dismay...Ellie loved it. Skiing is cool and I am really good at it.... so says she.
We had a fabulous time together. Ellie at ski school, Kevin on the slopes, Me napping and shopping and what not. Good times. If you ask Ella what her favorite part of the trip was she will tell you the hot tub and the pool. Yep that's our girl....all about the water sports. Seriously, she couldn't stop talking about the hot tubs...they were outside, my friends....in the cold and snowy outside! She just couldn't get enough of that concept. I, on the other hand, thought that the dry sauna was perfect and warm and dry and indoors.
Ella did 2 days of ski school. We dropped her off at 8:30 and picked her up at 3:30. Do you know how much napping one can do in that amount of time? It was awesome. On the second day Kev thought that he might catch a glimpse of her skiing, so he made his way over from his double black whatevers to the baby bunny green carpets. He tried in vain, looking for a sweet little one in a white coat and brown pants, but much to his dismay, he couldn't find her. Little did he know our budding snow bunny was wearing a brown coat and pink pants that day. I am, I mean, she is a diva. Can't wear the same thing twice! Thankfully the super expensive goggles that Amy lent us went with both outfits. Can you imagine the damage to her(my) psyche if she didn't look cute as a button on the slopes? Fortunately, we were able to see her skiing down the mountain when we went to pick her up. She did a fabulous job! She was first in line...we assume this was because she was the slowest and they didn't want to leave her behind on the slopes. We are so proud of her! Now she wants to bring all of her friends skiing. Probably not going to happen any time soon.

Still smiling after her first day!
Mommy and Ellie

Coming down the mountain!

Skiing with the cool kids....

Ellie and the most patient instructor, Liz.
I did get a little video of her at the end. You know, after she was down the mountain and standing in front of us and I finally remembered that my camera also shoots video. If I knew how to post video, I would because it is a fine work of craftmanship, I tell you. A rivoting 47 seconds of Ellie skate-skiing into the ski school area and some ladies head that kept getting in my way. The nerve of some people!
I shudder to think about ski trips with the boys. It makes my head hurt, so I think that I won't worry about it until the time comes. Life is good and I should just enjoy it as it comes....Right?
How fun! You are a brave woman to leave your girl at ski school....glad you got a nap in and some good shopping :)!
The goggles are darling! Whoever lent those to you is SOME FRIEND! :)
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